Learn about Forest Ecosystem Services
from 10 Video Trainings
Learn about the concept of ecosystem services and discover the multitude of benefits that forest ecosystems bring to people and economic, social, cultural, spiritual, and scientific development.
Learn about different values that people attach to a forest ecosystem and its services, discover the Total Economic Value framework, and see how you can use it to implement sustainable management of a forest.
Learn about the technique of economic valuation of ecosystem services and understand how you can use its different methods to estimate and demonstrate use and non-use values of forests.
Learn about the multiple ways in which people influence forest ecosystems, see the various threats that forests face due to this influence, and observe the consequences of these threats.
Learn about the process of integrating forest ecosystem services and their economic and social values into development and management planning for a forest with its ecosystem and biodiversity.
Learn about Cost-benefit analysis and other approaches to compare different forest management options and to decide upon the most promising, effective, cost-efficient, and socially acceptable ones.
Learn about the process of identifying stakeholders of a forest management proposal and determining their interests, needs, attitude, position, and interrelations through stakeholder analysis.
Learn about the Big Five principles of how to communicate with stakeholders effectively and to educate them on the value of ecosystem services and importance of sustainable forest management.
Learn about the process of mapping main stakeholders, planning engagement tactics for each one of them, and then implementing these tactics with the help of the Interest-influence Matrix.
Review the key learning points of the course "Forest Ecosystem Services: Valuation, Conservation, and Sustainable Management" and learn how to connect with us for further discussions and courses.