Read  about  Forest  Ecosystem  Services
in  the  Course  Manual

You can supplement watching video trainings of the course
"Forest Ecosystem Services: Valuation, Conservation, and Sustainable Management"
with reading of the comprehensive manual prepared specifically for this course.

The manual "Forest Ecosystem Services" covers the entire content of the trainings
and complements it with more detailed information on each topic, practical examples,
accentuated key learning points, explanations of essential terms, and illustrative photos.

You can read the manual on-line or download it for your personal use below.

Forest Ecosystem Services Manual

Furthermore, you are encouraged to explore additional reading resources presented below.

These resources include other manuals, guidelines, research reports, and scientific articles.

They will help you gain more in-depth knowledge on certain topics covered in the course.

  1. Costanza et al. (1997). The value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital. Nature, vol. 387
  2. Costanza et al. (2014). Changes in the global value of ecosystem services. Global Environmental Change, no. 26
  3. De Groot et al. (2012). Global estimates of the value of ecosystems and their services in monetary units. Ecosystem Services, vol. 1, no. 1
  4. GIZ (2012). Integrating ecosystem services into development planning. A stepwise approach for practitioners based on the TEEB approach. Eschborn, Germany: GIZy it now!
  5. Hanley N. and Barbier E. (2009). Pricing nature: Cost–benefit analysis and environmental policy. London, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing
  6. Iscenco, A., Roidou, E., Fausto, F., Kruiff, T. (2017). The Codru Quest: Methodology. Chisinau, Moldova: Moldovan Environmental Governance Academy (MEGA)
  7. Iscenco, A., Ungureanu, E., Roidou, E., Fausto, F., Kruiff, T. (2017). The Codru Quest: Final Report. Chisinau, Moldova: Moldovan Environmental Governance Academy (MEGA)
  8. Iscenco, A. (2018). Methodological guide to choice modelling: Example of the Codru Quest project. London, United Kingdom: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
  9. Iscenco, A. and Ungureanu, E. (2019). Economic valuation of the ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation in the Codru forest in the developing country of Moldova
  10. Iscenco, A. (2021). Economic valuation of ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation with choice modelling in the Codru forest in the Republic of Moldova
  11. OECD (2006). Cost-benefit analysis and the environment: Recent developments. Paris, France: OECD Publishing
  12. Pearce D. and Ozdemiroglu E. (2002). Economic valuation with stated preference techniques. Summary guide. London, United Kingdom: DTLGR

Besides reading the course manual and exploring additional resources,
we invite you to join the Facebook group Forest Ecosystem Services Agents,
which is an on-line community of all students and alumni of the course.

Here you can continue your learning by posting questions to the community,
reading posts of its members, and discussing the materials of the course with them.

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